Monday, December 8, 2008


I remember how determined I was when we were younger and there was something I really wanted from my parents. I would ask for the particular thing and a lot of the times I wouldn't get an answer right away so I would continue to ask rather often. This would go on for some time until I either got tired of asking and just gave up or I would get an answer that was somewhat definitive.

There were times when the thing I wanted really wasn't necessary for me to have at that time and in time my parent would tell me just that, and I was satisfied with the answer to the point I wouldn't ask for that particular thing again. I've learned as a parent that there are times when we must inform our children that there are some things they just don't need at this particular time, and that waiting for something isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I believe this is how the Lord deals with us when it comes to us asking for things that we think are what we need. When we don't get an answer right away we are more persistent with our request, and the Lord let's us know, if we listen, that it's not something we need and that His grace more than sufficient.

Let's take a moment before we ask the Lord for what we think are the "desires of our hearts", because they may very well be the desires of our fleshly appetites that we need so desperately keep under subjection.

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