Everyone needs some get away time every now and again, if not but to reflect on what has transpired within the last few hours, days, and months. We, being finite beings, must always remind ourselves that there are limits to how much we can do and how far we can go without rejuvenating ourselves.
Professional athletes have their way of re energizing themselves after they have expended what energies that had, and the same could be said of professionals and blue-collar workers. They all have a way of finding that 'thing' which best suits them to get back into what they call the groove.
The saints aren't exempt from having to go and 'refill' themselves every now and then. Jesus, the One in whom we believe is the Son of God, went away from His disciples from time to time to pray allowing Him the opportunity to 'refresh' Himself. Peter, went up on the roof top of Simon the tanners house, and while meditating i.e. 'refreshing' himself received a new assignment from the Lord.
I too have a get away which allows me to 'refresh' myself after having ministered in one form or another, and that is to ride my motorcycle. Find what it is which best allows you to get away for a moment to 'refresh' yourself with the Lord, and as we continue to work the work of Him; there is a greater need to be 'refreshed' by Him.
Professional athletes have their way of re energizing themselves after they have expended what energies that had, and the same could be said of professionals and blue-collar workers. They all have a way of finding that 'thing' which best suits them to get back into what they call the groove.
The saints aren't exempt from having to go and 'refill' themselves every now and then. Jesus, the One in whom we believe is the Son of God, went away from His disciples from time to time to pray allowing Him the opportunity to 'refresh' Himself. Peter, went up on the roof top of Simon the tanners house, and while meditating i.e. 'refreshing' himself received a new assignment from the Lord.
I too have a get away which allows me to 'refresh' myself after having ministered in one form or another, and that is to ride my motorcycle. Find what it is which best allows you to get away for a moment to 'refresh' yourself with the Lord, and as we continue to work the work of Him; there is a greater need to be 'refreshed' by Him.
A motorcycle sounds like utter bliss to me right now.
I have to find something like that. Good idea. thanks..xx
A camping trip to the mountains always "detoxes" me.
I've always loved Bikes...my mother once said "if you come home on a motorcycle, don't come home" She had the same sentiment of VW VANS in the days I was in school!!
I jumped on a big chopper after a tennis class in college, bare legs and all, throwing my racket to a girlfriend and jumping on! I asked the driver "does this go down EASY?" (i had come to my senses and thought WHAT AM I DOING?)..I'll never forget his answer (and this is QUITE some years ago).."NO! But, if it DOES start to go, I can't keep it up!"
we were fine, but.... !! WHAT FUN!!ENJOY!
Kevin, that sounds peaceful.
Z, yes. The Mrs likes riding with me, too so that makes it more enjoyable for me.
I'm liking you more and more!!! I have an ol' school little bike that I love to ride. Initially I started riding to save $$$ on gas but quickly fell in love with riding. My bike's a 1981 Yamaha SR 250. No speed demon but like you have said here a nice way to refresh my thoughts and focus.
Papa Frank, it is refreshing isn't it. This is a 2006 Honda 1300c, and I it's no speed demon either but it gets me out of the way quite effectively.
If you ever ride to Kansas City give me a buzz and we'll ride. ;0)
Papa Frank, that's a deal.
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