This is my dog, Scheeba, and she will be 12 years of age this summer. A good friend of mine, Luther, gave Scheeba to me when she was 3 years old and since that time she has had three litters of puppies. Scheeba, as you can see from the picture, is an American Pitbull Terrier and this usually brings on conversations about the viciousness of the breed and all that nonsense.
I have to say, I've never had a moments pause with owning APBT and I don't foresee any problems in the near future either. Scheeba, as I have stated earlier will be 12yrs. and one would think that her age would bring about some sort of crankiness. However, I must say she is just as patient today as she has been for the last 9 years. The picture should illustrate my point quite clearly. I was at home yesterday and it was still a little nippy in the air, so I thought to myself, 'why not put a sweat shirt on Scheeba so she wouldn't be cold.'
So, I did and she was very patient with me putting it on her and then rolling up the sleeves in order for her to walk around unhindered. It got me to thinking how the Lord wants to somethings to us that we may find uncomfortable at times, but we learn to patiently accept what is wants to do.
Remember, we have willingly given ourselves to the Lord and now belong to Him, so if He wants to us to wear something it should be alright, because we belong to Him. The later of Psalm 100:3 says, '...that we are the Lord's people and the sheep of His pasture...' and if He wants to sheer us from time to time then He can; because we belong to Him.
Saints, let's continue to submit to the Will of our Lord in every area of our lives. Remember, we have been bought with a price and no matter how hard we try; we'll never repay it.
There are words to a song that we sing some times and they say, 'I'm yours Lord, everything I got, everything I am, everything I'm not. I'm yours Lord, try me now and see; see if I can be completely yours.'
Don't let Mr. Z see that dog in clothes..drives him NUTS!
I think the sweatshirt is the best looking dog clothing I've seen..at least the 'hippest'!
What a cute dog...I know people love their pit bulls; it's a shame they have the bad rap they do, isn't it!?
We sure do have to accept the uncomfortable from time to time..sometimes, ALL DAY LONG, right!? Sometimes we don't wear it quite as graciously as Scheeba does, sometimes we surprise ourselves. The beauty, what we can learn from indeed, is how patiently your dog allowed this...great lesson! thanks!
Great blog, IHS. I appreciate your approach to the ministry. I have long felt so in love with my Savior, yet so imperfect. I still feel that He loves me in my imperfectness. Crazy, huh? :0)
Pinky, thank you for your kind words; this is how the Lord gives it to me and I pray it's a blessings to everyone that stops by; whether they leave a comment or not just as long as the message gets out there.
Imperfection, oh don't get me started on how often I identify with that feeling, and the awesome thing is, He knows all about it and showers us with His love anyway, WOW! What a Savior we have, huh?
Pinky, thank you for your kind words; this is how the Lord gives it to me and I pray it's a blessings to everyone that stops by; whether they leave a comment or not just as long as the message gets out there.
Imperfection, oh don't get me started on how often I identify with that feeling, and the awesome thing is, He knows all about it and showers us with His love anyway, WOW! What a Savior we have, huh?
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