But, when it came down to my needing him to come to my aide for whatever the reason, my brother was there. My brother's strong willed but very sensitive when it comes to being the big brother.
I'm sure there are a lot of you out there that may have brother's that were just as concerned for you as mine was for me, and I think that's great.
The scriptures reveal a lot as it pertains to brother's, but there's this one verse that stuck out to me, Proverbs 18:24.
No matter how close our brother's are whether they are our natural brother's, fraternity or spiritual brother's. They will never be as close to us as the Friend we have made in the Lord Jesus. Saints, we have a life that's full, even if you don't have a natural brother. The day we accept the Lord we are adopted into a family full of brothers but the best part is Jesus, our Friend, is yet even closer than they are. Be Blessed.
WHAT a cute picture! And such a nice piece. I love to hear about the love between brothers and sisters...I've got quite a few siblings and couldn't love them more.
And they're all believers, too! A special friendship/love then kicks in.
Tone? You're not brothers with Tone Loc are you? ;0)
What is described in this post here is exactly what God used to draw me unto himself at the very young age of three. My Father was teaching in church and telling the story of David and Jonathan. He explained their close friendship and love for each other and then told how Jesus wanted to be a friend that would stick even closer than a brother. As young as I was God spoke to my heart and gave me a longing for His Son. I accepted Him into my life that very day.
It does my heart good to know that you actually felt that way about me. From a big brother's stand point, I LOVE YOU, TOO!!!! Remember, "It's all about the brothers!!!"
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